Ogungbemi, Busayo Deniel

Advantages and recent developments of smart energy grid - Vol,4(1), Jan-Jun - South Africa AkiNik Publications 2023 - 3-9p

commonly utilized smart grid technology helps to reduce losses and increase system stability. It promotes dependability, effectiveness, and efficient management of the electrical energy supply. Although it has been a popular issue for recent papers, academics still don't fully comprehend it. Since this subject requires a broad foundation, the goal of this review effort is to enlighten and assist beginning researchers. It is difficult for the current electric transmission and distribution networks to deliver resiliency in performance, dependability in service, and real-time data. While conventional networks lack the flexibility to interact with renewable energy generators or micro grids, smart grid is a potential network maneuver to stabilize the system whenever any disruptions break out employing distributed renewable energy producers. This thorough effort is done to map earlier contributions in a logical way, and it includes the requirements, features, and principles that are offered to help readers who are interested in the creation of smart grids.

Electrical Engineering