Narsimhan, Akshaya Lakshmi

Protagonists in learning: storytelling practices in an architecture school - Vol.88(3), Mar - Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2023 - 70-71p.

The story form is a cultural universal; everyone everywhere
enjoys stories. The story is not just casual entertainment; it
reflects a basic and powerful form in which we make sense
of the world and experience (Egan, 1988, p. 21). The bachelor
of architecture curriculum in India subscribes to a fairly non-
hierarchical system and proposes a non-prescriptive studio
format, allowing for peer and self-reflective learning. While
the Architectural Design Studio lies at the core of the B.
Arch. program, attempts have been made to decentralise the
prescribed curriculum by transplanting teaching methods from
one discursive context to another. Design projects undertaken
within the architecture course are concieved and structured as
stories, further rooting the practice of storytelling within design