Singh, Prem P.

Small and medium towns in Haryana: economic perspectives and private sector contribution - Vol.20(2), Apr-Jun - New Delhi Institute of Town Planners 2023 - 40-52p.

This paper provides an overview of small and medium towns in Haryana. Increasing level of
urbanization due to close proximity to the NCR is made obvious after setting out the context.
Thereafter the architecture of urbanization is sketched. Increasing importance of small and
medium towns is then analyzed. It is suggested that these towns could act as major drivers
of redirection of population and investment, potentially contributing to enhanced economic
opportunities. The state is still heavily dependent on the agriculture sector for employment
generation, which contributes 28 per cent of employment vis-à-vis 16.9 per cent state GDP.
These towns can make a major contribution, removing this imbalance through promotion
of agro- based industries and services. Diversifying growth in these towns could also make
growth of the state sustainable by making it multi-pronged. Small and medium towns account
for more than two-third of the urban population in the state and accordingly addressing
infrastructure bottlenecks, housing, and transportation is likely to enable employment
intensive growth in these places. Focus on education and training needs of women workforce
specially in small and medium has also the potentials in achieving gender inclusion.