Elhout, Emad A.

Intensity measures parameters of horizontal and vertical ground motions - Vol.104(1), Mar - USA Springer 2023 - 251-269p.

The relationship between horizontal- and vertical components of earthquake ground motion intensity measure (IM) parameters and also, the correlation between the vertical to horizontal response spectra ratio (V/H) and IMs parameters are currently being studied. 206 records of ground motions for horizontal- and vertical components of earthquakes attained from the PEER strong motion database are used in this study. The moment magnitudes of these earthquake records range from 3.5 to 7.6 with the epicentral distance between 3.6 to 200 km. The site classification of the ground conditions is based on the average shear wave velocity range from 99.93 to 999.66 m/s. Data from earthquake ground motions with varying V/H ratios were used in the regression analysis method. According to these analyses, the cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) parameter is the strong correlation between the horizontal and vertical components of the earthquake and the lowest correlation parameter is the predominant period (Tp). The horizontal and vertical earthquake components have a larger correlation in velocity groups. On the other hand, the correlation values for the displacement and frequency groups are low. In addition, the V/H ratios have a significant correlation with all IM parameters in both horizontal and vertical earthquake components.

Humanities and Applied Sciences