Yadav, Vinod Kumari

Review on effect of nishakathakadi kashaya in jataja prameha with special reference to juvenile diabetes - Vol.17(3), Jul-Sep - M P BRNSS Publication Hub. 2023 - 210-217p.

Juvenile diabetes is one of the most common autoimmune diseases of childhood and, nowadays, is increasing an
alarming rate. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (Juvenile diabetes) is an immune-mediated, insulin-dependent condition
with unknown etiology. Considerable efforts have been made for the development of oral insulin for better
patient compliance. However, such options are not yet available in the market and insulin remains the mainstay
of treatment of type 1 diabetes. There is no exact reference found in Ayurveda text, but it can be correlated with
Sahaja or Jataja prameha (~genetic or hereditary) of Asadhya (difficult to cure or non-curable) type.