Thapar, Shipra

Method development and validation for ophthalmic formulations containing antibiotics: a comprehensive review - Vol.85(3), May-Jun - Mumbai Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 2023 - 555-564p.

Bacterial conjunctivitis commonly referred to as pink eye, having an inflammation of the conjunctiva either due to infection or an allergic condition. The outer lining of the white part of our eye gets reddish or pink in color. Ophthalmic antibiotics are instilled for curing this condition. Many ophthalmic formulations are available in the market for curing this condition. Most of them contain an antibiotic along with a steroidal moiety. Method development plays a pivotal role in drug testing, manufacturing operations, stability studies and the long term performance of drugs. International Council for Harmonisation provides guidelines for validating analytical methods. With minimal use of time and money scientists all over the world are developing new methods for the same. Several studies have already been done for the method development of such ophthalmic solutions but still, some antibiotics remain untouched. This review article emphasizes detailed information regarding the methods developed for ophthalmic formulations and their validation as well.