Thakur, Akshay

Qualitative analysis of water of govind sagar lake Bilaspur HP by Performing Limit Test - Vol.14(3), Jul-Sep - Raipur Asian Pharma Press 2024 - 131-134p.

Life is dependent on water. Preventing dehydration has been a crucial aspect of survival ever since the first living thing left the waters to live on land. Sample collect from – Govind Sagar and limit test performed to identify and control small quantity of impurity which is likely to be present in Govind sagar sample. It is done to determine inorganic impurities in a compound. Performed limit test of chloride, sulphate and iron. It was found that in Govind Sagar chloride is present in lesser amount and sulphate is present in lesser amount and iron is present in high amount.

Humanities and Applied Sciences