Yoshioka, Sumie

Stability of drugs and dosage forms - 1st - New York Springer 2006 - 268, 24.6*16.1 Pages | Binding - Paperback |

This volume deserves the high praise it is certain to receive. The two leading experts in the field, with areas of experience and knowledge that are complementary, have combined forces to produce a contribution of real value to everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner. The authors are particularly to be complimented on their deft skill in weaving into their discussions of highly practical matters just the appropriate level of fundamental and background information.
About Author :
Sumie Yoshioka is Chief, Section on Division of Drugs, National Institute of Health Science, Tokyo, Japan
Valentino J. Stella is University Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Director, Center for Drug Delivery Research, University of Kanas, Lawrence, Kansas
Contents :
Chemical Stability of Drug Substances
Physical Stability of Drug Substance
Stability of Dosage Forms
Stability of Peptide and Protein Pharmaceuticals



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