Finite element analysis : Theory and programming
- 2nd
- Chennai McGraw Hill Education 1994
- xvi, 710p. | Binding - Paperback | 22*15.2 cm
A comprehensive text presenting a detailed description of the theory along with computer programs that can be readily used by students and practicing engineers for stress analysis. The finite element formulations are developed through easy-to-follow derivations for the analysis of plane stress/strain and axisymmetric solid, plate-bending, three-dimensional solid and shell problems.
Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Basic Principles of Structural Mechanics Chapter 3 Element Properties Chapter 4 Isoparametric Elements Chapter 5 Direct Stiffness Method of Analysis and Solution Technique Chapter 6 Computer Program for Finite Element Analysis [PASSFEM] Chapter 7 Analysis of Framed Structures Chapter 8 Plane Stress and Plane Strain Analysis Chapter 9 Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis Chapter 10 Analysis of Plate Bending Chapter 11 Analysis of Shells Chapter 12 Conduction Heat Transfer Chapter 13 Substructuring Technique Chapter 14 Finite Element Analysis Software