Yanli, Yang

Collaborative Learning- and Quiz-based Teaching Strategy in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Vol.53(2), Apr-Jun - Bengaluru Indian journal of pharmaceutical education and research 2019 - 208-211p.

Aim: An experimental teaching and learning program used in biochemistry and molecular biology with first-year students in the second term in the Faculty of Biological Sciences at Huanghuai University, China. Materials: Sixty students were divided randomly into two sections (n=30 per section). Students in one section were divided randomly into five groups (six students in each group) and taught using a hybrid collaborative learning and lecture method (experimental section). The second section was taught using a traditional teaching method (control section). To assess achievement, examinations were carried out at the end of every textbook chapter and a final examination in biochemistry and molecular biology was administered at the end of the course. To determine students’ attitude to the teaching methods used, a questionnaire survey was conducted at the end of the term. Results: Results showed that students preferred the experimental method. In the experimental section, students’ scores were significantly higher than those of students in the control section both in the chapter and the final examinations (p < 0.05). Results indicate that the collaborative learning- and quiz-based teaching and learning style is superior to the traditional method of teaching and learning biochemistry and molecular biology.