Sayyed, Shadaab

Study Of Building Information Modelling Implementation For Sanctioning And Town Planning Procedure - 68-78p.

Construction practices and procedures are evolving into complex work flows that require better coordination amongst the stakeholders. BIM is a promising technology that provides better collaboration and control on the project planning and execution also allowing one to be able to easily track and modify the plans to suit the real-time situations. BIM has been incorporated in the workflows ofnumerous large scale construction projects across the globe and found to have impressive results in terms ofincreased profits, time savings and faster project delivery. Currently, the construction industry is accelerating with a great pace and it is to be noted that not all projects comply with the regulations prescribed by the town planning authorities. This paper provides a study ofthe currently implemented technologies such as paper based sanctioning process, Auto-DCR, etc. that were implemented by the government to combat the malpractices and control the growth ofthe city. The paper also offers a concise overview ofthe advance IT technologies that could be implemented for the construction projects and town planning authorities to enhance efficiency ofthe system and avoid miscommunication, malpractices such as corruption and illegal development. The use ofcloud system, block-chain and IoT devices in management oftown development coupled with AI and machine learning algorithms are the later objectives to be achieved once the concept is implemented as a large dataset will be available to train the algorithm so as to enable autonomous planning & sanctioning. The purpose ofBIM is to enhance collaboration and coordination amongst all stakeholders especially the government and the planning authorities which are often excluded and considered an outsider in the project development. This concept is keen on enhancing the inclusive approach and making efficient use ofIT in Construction projects

Construction Engineering and Management (CEM)