Fewkes, Jacqeline H.

Perspectives on "Shangri-La": Understanding Place, Regional Identity and Tourism Discourses in Ladakh - Vol. 69 (4), 2018 - Mumbai The Marg Foundation September, 2018 - 55-67 Pages

This essay unpacks the manynames and images of Ladakh that have been conjured up by foreigners intravel narratives and tourism-related materialover the decades. Described as "Moonland", "Shangri-La", "Roof of the World" and "Little Tibet", each of these terms have their own complex historical contexts and connotations, determined by politics, trade relations, geographical features, religious interest and Orientalist fantasies. Drawing on the distinction between "space" and "place" made by social geographers, the author explores the construction of Ladakh into "place"—a region that can change meaning over time, and that can hold different (often contradictory) meanings for different people at the same time.