Sethi, Kriti

Preliminary Phytochemical Characterization and Micromeritic Properties evaluation of Azadirachta indica and Syzygium aromaticum Powder - Vol. 9(01), Jan-Mar - Raipur Asian Pharma Press 2019 - 22-27p.

From history, human societies have kinetically got round plants which have affected a great amount to the all persons as a group. Plants have the building to put in danger different variety of phytochemical and biochemical compounds which can be acclimated to act different biological functions. Many of these phytochemicals have well, with good effect effects on in the long run being healthy when destructed by the human and can be effectively used to treat human diseases. The current research paper deals with the various Phytochemical Characterization and Micromeritic Properties evaluation of Azadirachta indica and Syzygium aromaticum Powder. The analysis was carried out utilizing standard methods and protocols. The result suggests that the Azadirachta indica extracts contain plenty of phytochemicals with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and Syzgium aromaticum showed antibacterial properties and used in disparate dental creams, tooth pastes, mouth washes, and esophagus sprays to remove bacteria. However, from the aggregation of all our outcomes, we arrived at a reasoned opinion that the aforementioned herbs definitely have as owner possible unused quality therapeutic properties of changing degrees of existence of several phyto-active compounds in them.