Onuoha, E. C.

Inter-Agent Coordinated Security Model for Cloud Based Virtual Machines - Vol.5(2), Jul-Dec - Tamil Nadu i-manager's 2018 - 11-19p.

For a user who desires to utilize the services of the cloud, security is not negotiable. Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) have security features that help protect user's data and information. These features are however not comprehensive. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) of most CSPs have certain exclusions that warrant users to undertake some measures of security upon themselves, especially for tenants having Virtual Machines (VM) in a multi-tenant architecture. This means that users who are ignorant of the security implications might be exposed to great risks. This paper presents a security model that used the OPNET (Optimized Network Engineering Tools) modeler, based on distributed agents, to prevent attacks from rogue virtual machine and enhance security of VM-to-VM communication. A set of mobile devices were given varying levels of access and pitched against some servers. Observing the packet network delays, phase response time for security apps and the coordination between these mobile devices and the installed agents on the servers showed that data belonging to tenants are safer and attacks from virtual machines are almost negligible.

Computer Engineering