Garg, Harshi

Introduction to World Leading CRM: - Vol.4(2), July-Dec - Tamil Nadu i-manager's 2017 - 9-14p.

In the today’s world where every single person wants to keep their data secure, everyone is switching from their IT setups to cloud. is the platform which is based on cloud computing which enables us in replacing the existing traditional system where software applications are installed on computer hardware. This paper proposed how the platform has been changed the traditional system into a world leading CRM. There are numerous reasons which makes IT giants that they should move towards platform. is the world leading cloud provider having number of different features one can learn. This paper mainly focuses on the important aspects of platform. Some of the features are still new to the developer. The proposed work is done to make developer familiar with the editions and versions of this platform. With each release some new features are added to enhance the functionality of the platform.

Computer Engineering