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1281. Meera Deobh not another era

by Bhatia, Harshad.

Edition: Vol.87(6), JuneSource: Journal of the Indian institute of architects :(JIIA)Publisher: Mumbai The Indian Institute of Architects 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1282. Architecture of Santiniketan Tagore’s concept of space

by Das, Samit.

Edition: Vol.87(6), JuneSource: Journal of the Indian institute of architects :(JIIA)Publisher: Mumbai The Indian Institute of Architects 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1283. Eretz Yisrael

by Balakrishnan, Gita.

Edition: Vol.87(6), JuneSource: Journal of the Indian institute of architects :(JIIA)Publisher: Mumbai The Indian Institute of Architects 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1284. India’s disembedded rural landscape

by Vasavi, A. R.

Edition: Vol.2(70)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1285. Designing for the changing climate

by Gupta, Vinod.

Edition: Vol.2(70)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1286. Urban informal industrial settlement day in the life of puffed rice making entrepreneurs

by Selco Foundation.

Edition: Vol.2(70)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1287. Mental health resilience to climate change fostering nature in cities

by Shoba Raja | Harini Nagendra.

Edition: Vol.2(70)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1288. Climate change in cinema looking through the lens of dweepa

by Rao, Karishma.

Edition: Vol.2(70)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1289. Evolution the department of landscape architecture

by Mehta, Rommel.

Edition: Vol.22(70)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1290. Perseverance, equanimity, values through landscape discipline in conversation with

by Raval, Shishir R.

Edition: Vol.1(69)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1291. Finite history of a finite architecture Gandhi and architecture a time for low-cost housing

by Tayyibji, Riyaz.

Edition: Vol.1(69)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1292. Living portal the toyota evolution timeline garden | Karnataka

by Little, Michael.

Edition: Vol.1(69)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1293. Comunity-based eco-planning in high dry regions–ii the unep afghanistan model

by Coe, Jon.

Edition: Vol.1(69)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1294. Rendering with landscape design and music

by Pawgi, Jitendra.

Edition: Vol.1(69)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1295. Fluid landscapes and vehicular mobility roberto burle marx and rio de janeiro

by Andreatta, Verena | Fares, el-Dahdah.

Edition: Vol.1(69)Source: Journal of landscape architecturePublisher: New Delhi Brijendra S. Dua 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1296. Egg as an organic building material: usage in modern and historic context

by Clifford, Esther Kiruba Jebakumar | Gubba, Neelima.

Edition: Vol.5(1), Jan-JunSource: Journal - Comprehensive advanced specific summarised studies -For architecture studies (CASS Studies)Publisher: Rajasthan Health Education Bureau 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1297. Aolistic approach of work places with implication of wellbeing in corporate interiors - a case study of office infrastructure at Hyderabad (India)

by Mandadi, Pratima kiran | Raghavendran, Ramesh.

Edition: Vol.5(1), Jan-JunSource: Journal - Comprehensive advanced specific summarised studies -For architecture studies (CASS Studies)Publisher: Rajasthan Health Education Bureau 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1298. Sustainable solution for solid waste management for Bangalore city, India

by Verma, Shikha | Bawane, O. P.

Edition: Vol.5(1), Jan-JuneSource: Journal - Comprehensive advanced specific summarised studies -For architecture studies (CASS Studies)Publisher: Rajasthan Health Education Bureau 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1299. Redesigning architecture - taking a sustainable approach

by Rastogi, Sudhanshu.

Edition: Vol.5(1), Jan-JuneSource: Journal - Comprehensive advanced specific summarised studies -For architecture studies (CASS Studies)Publisher: Rajasthan Health Education Bureau 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

1300. Participatory approach in conservation of tradition of arts and craft in history-a way forward

by Viswanadha Kumar, G | Vidyullatha, R. J.

Edition: Vol.5(1), Jan-JuneSource: Journal - Comprehensive advanced specific summarised studies -For architecture studies (CASS Studies)Publisher: Rajasthan Health Education Bureau 2022Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

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