House form and culture
by Rapoport, Amos.
Publisher: Englewood 1969Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.1 RAP] (1).
Landscape architecture : History, ecology and patterns
by Jain, Minakshi | Singh, I.P.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Ghaziabad Copal Publishing Group 2017Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 712.3 JAI/SIN] (1).
Verb connection : The generation of activity, physicallly linking programs people, and uses
by Ferre, Albert [Editor] | Hwang, Irene [Editor] | Kubo, Michael [Editor] .
Publisher: Barcelona Actar 2004Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720 FER/HWA] (1).
Aquatecture : Buildings and cities designed to live and work with water
by Barker, Robert | Coutts, Richard.
Publisher: New Castle RIBA Publishing 2016Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 714 BAR/COU] (1).
Eco-housing design
by Green, Tris [Editor] .
Publisher: Hong Kong Design Media Publishing Limited 2013Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.47 GRE] (1).
Creating architectural theory : The role of the behavioral sciences in environmental design
by Lang, Jon.
Publisher: New York Van Nostrand Reinhold 1987Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.1 LAN] (1).
Eco design : Manual for ecological design
by Yeang, Ken.
Edition: 1stPublisher: UK John Wiley & Sons 2006Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.47 YEA] (1).
Collage city
by Rowe, Colin.
Publisher: Cambridge MIT Press 1978Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 711.12 ROW/KOE] (1).
Architect's pocket book
by Hetreed, Jonathan | Ross, Ann | Powel, Charlotte Baden.
Edition: 5thPublisher: London Routledge 2017Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720 HET/ROS] (1).
City and wind : Climate as an architectural instrument
by Krautheim, Mareike | Pasel, Ralf | Pfeiffer, Sven | Schultz-Granberg, Joachim.
Publisher: Berlin 2014Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.47 KRA/PAS] (1).
India modern : Traditional forms and contemporary design
by Ypma, Herbert J.M.
Publisher: London Phaidon Press 2000Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.954 YPM] (1).
Analysing architecture
Edition: 4thPublisher: Oxon Routledge 2014Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720 UNW] (9). Checked out (1).
Analytic models in architecture
by Petit, Emmanuel [Editor] .
Publisher: New Haven 2015Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.7 PET] (1).
Managing quality in architecture : Integrating BIM, risk and design process
by Nelson, Charles.
Edition: 2ndPublisher: London Routledge 2017Availability: No items available
Managing quality in architecture : Integrating BIM, risk and design process
by Nelson, Charles.
Edition: 2ndPublisher: London Routledge 2017Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.1 NEL] (1).
Strength of materials
by Venkatesh, T.S.
Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi Ane Books 2014Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 624.18 VEN] (9). Items available for reference: School of Architecture [Call number: 624.18 VEN] (1).
Mumbai reader 18
by Urban Design Research Institute | Mehrotra, Rahul | Joshi, Pankaj.
Publisher: Mumbai Urban Design Research Institute 2018Online access: Table of Content Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.954792 UDR] (1).
Sustainable building design : Applications using climate data in India
by Kabre, Chitrarekha.
Publisher: Singapore Springer 2018Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.47 KAB] (1).
Journal of the bombay branch of the royal asiatic society : The complete collection of all the issues
Publisher: Mumbai Asiatic Society of Mumbai Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.7 ASM] (2).
Thesis jury with Ar. B.V.Doshi In collaboration with Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture
by Dengle, Narendra.
Publisher: Pune Forum For Exchange & Excellence in Design (FEED) 2004Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.7 DEN] (4).