Operative design : A catalouge of spital verbs
by Mari, Anthony Di | Yoo, Nora.
Publisher: Amsterdam BIS Publishers 2012Availability: No items available Lost (1).
Conditional design : An introduction to elemental architecture
by Mari, Anthony Di.
Publisher: Amsterdam BIS Publishers 2014Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.284 MAR] (1).
Non conventional and renewable energy sources
by Thipse, S.S.
Publisher: New Delhi Narosa Publishing House 2014Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.3121 THI] (4). Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.3121 THI] (1).
Renewable energy technology
by Jha, I.S | Sen, Subir | Tiwari, M.K | Kothari, D.P.
Edition: 1stPublisher: New Delhi New Age International 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.042 JHA/SEN] (9). Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.042 JHA/SEN] (1).
Power system analysis
by Grainger, John J | Stevenson, William D.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Chennai McGraw Hill Education 1994Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.3191 GRA/STE] (3).
Feature engineering for machine learning : Principles and techniques for data scientists
by Zheng, Alice | Casari, Amanda.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Navi Mumbai 2018Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 006.31 ZHE/CAS] (1).
Deep learning cookbook : Practical recipes to get started quickly
by Osinga, Douwe.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Navi Mumbai 2018Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 006.31 OSI] (2).
Digital design and verilog HDL fundamentals
by Cavanagh, Joseph.
Publisher: Boca Raton CRC Press 2008Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.395 CAV] (1).
Sammep Padora and Associates, Sharda school library Kopergaon, Maharashtra
by Dalvi, Mustansir [(Text)] | Summer, Edmund [Photos] .
Edition: Vol. 7 Issue 11Source: Domus IndiaPublisher: Mumbai Spenta Multimedia October, 2018Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).
Digital systems design using verilog
by Roth, Charles H.
Publisher: New Delhi Cengage Learning 2016Online access: Student Companion Site Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.395 ROT/JOH] (1).
Internet of things A to Z : Technologies and applications
by Hassan, Qusay F [Editor] .
Publisher: New Jercy John Wiley & Sons 2018Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 004.678 HAS] (1).
IoT fundamentals : Networking tehnologies, protocols, and use cases for the internet of things
by Hanes, David | Salgueiro, Gonzalo | Grossetete, Patrick | Barton, Rob | Henry, Jerome.
Publisher: New Delhi Pearson Education 2017Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 004.678 HAN/SAL] (3). Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 004.678 HAN/SAL] (1). Checked out (1).
Python 3 object-oriented programming : Unleash the power of python 3 objects
by Philips, Dusty.
Edition: 2ndPublisher: Birmingham 2005Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 005.133 PHI] (1).
Textbook on matlab programming for engineering and science
by Ray, Dipankar | Dey, Sukhendu.
Edition: 2ndPublisher: Navi Mumbai Shroff Publishers 2016Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 005.131 RAY/DEY] (1).
Understanding matlab
by Kale, Karbhari | Manza, Ramesh | Humbe, Vikas | Yannawar, Pravin | Manza, Ganesh.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Navi Mumbai Shroff Publishers 2013Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 005.131 KAL/MAN] (1).
Understanding digital image processing using matlab
by Manza, Ramesh | Patwari, Manjiri B | Rajput, Yogesh M | Rathod, Deepali.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Navi Mumbai Shroff Publishers 2016Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.3670005 MAN/PAT] (1).
Make: FPGAs - Turning software into hardware with eight fun and easy DIY projects
by Romano, David.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Navi Mumbai Shroff Publishers 2016Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.395 ROM] (1).
Network security assessment : Know your network
by Mcnab, Chris.
Edition: 3rdPublisher: Sebastopol 2017Online access: Table of Content Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 005.8 MCN] (7). Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 005.8 MCN] (1).
GPAT : A companion
by Inamdar, Nazma N | Wagh, Milind P.
Edition: 16thPublisher: Nashik Career Publications 2018Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 372.2620615 INA/WAG] (2).
Experimental microbiology : Practical
by Mandan, Savita S | Laddha, Umesh D | Surana, S. J.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Nashik Career Publications 2017Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 579 MAN/LAD] (3).