Manual of tropical housing and building : Climatic design
by Koenigsberger, O. H | Ingersoll, T. G | Mayhew, Alan | Szokolay, S.V.
Edition: 1st Publisher: Hyderabad University Press 1975Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.47 KOE] (4).
Yes is more : Archicomic on architectural evolution
by Bjarke Ingels Group.
Edition: 1st Publisher: NA Evergreen Publication 2009Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 741.5 BIG] (1).
Accessible architecture
by Fischer, Joachim | Meuser, Philipp.
Edition: 1st Publisher: Techpark Page One 2009Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.87 FIS] (1).
Traditional buildings of India
by Cooper, Ilay | Dawson, Barry.
Publisher: London Thames & Hudson 1998Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.954 DAW/COD] (2).
Timeless way of building
by Alexander, Christopher.
Edition: 1st Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 1979Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.1 ALE] (1).
What is post-modernism ?
by Charles, Jencks.
Edition: 1st Publisher: New York Martin's Press 1987Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720 JEN] (1).
Bio structural analogues in architecture
by Lim, Joseph.
Edition: 1st Publisher: Singapore Page One 2009Availability: No items available Lost (1).
Super surfaces Generating forms for architecture, products and fashion
by Vyzoviti, Sophia.
Edition: 1st Publisher: Techpark Page One 2007Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.22 VYZ] (1).
Modular structures in design and architecture
by Agkathidis, Asterios.
Edition: 1st Publisher: Techpark Page One 2009Availability: No items available Lost (1).
Folding architecture
by Vyzoviti, Sophia.
Edition: 1st Publisher: Techpark Page One 2003Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.22 VYZ] (1).
Ecological architecture a critical history
by Steele, James.
Edition: 1st Publisher: London Thames & Hudson 2005Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.47 STE] (2).
Great monuments of India
by Gupta, Narayani.
Publisher: London Dorling Kindersly 2009Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.954 BAN] (1).
Big idea Criticality and pracitce in contemoray arhitecture
by Johnson, Scott.
Edition: 1st Publisher: NA Balcony Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 724.6 JOH] (1).
by Fritz, John M | Michell, George.
Publisher: Mumbai India Book House 2003Availability: No items available Lost (1).
Mies Van Der Rohe: Less is More - Finding Perfection in Purity
by Zimmerman, Claire.
Publisher: Hong Kong Taschen 2006Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.92 ZIM] (1).
Design development of Indian architecture
by Batley, Claude.
Publisher: New Delhi Aryan Books 2009Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.954 BAT] (1).
Space for engagement
by Burte, Himanshu.
Edition: 1st Publisher: Calcutta Seagull Books 2007Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720 BUR] (1).
by Waterstone, Richard.
Publisher: Boston Little Brown 1995Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.954 WAT] (1).
Shigeru Ban
by McQuid, Matilda.
Publisher: London Phaidon Press 2010Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.92 MCQ] (1).
New directions in tropical Asian architecture
by Goad, Philip | Pieris, Anoma.
Publisher: Singapore Priplus 2005Availability: Items available for loan: School of Architecture [Call number: 720.47 GOA] (1).