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1221. State-of-the-Art Review on the Characteristics of Surfactants and Foam from Foam Concrete Perspective

by Sahu, Sritam Swapnadarshi | Gandhi, Indu Siva Ranjani.

Edition: Vol,99(2), JuneSource: Journal of the institution of engineers (India): Series APublisher: Kolkata Springer 2018Online access: Click Here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (1).

1222. Low-Cost Indigenous Intervention which has Revolutionized the Drilling Technology and Changed the Life of Millions of Farmers in the State of Uttar Pradesh, India

by Chaurasia, Pratik Ranjan | Subhash.

Edition: Vol,99(2), JuneSource: Journal of the institution of engineers (India): Series APublisher: Kolkata Springer 2018Online access: Click Here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (1).

1223. Surveying - II

by Duggal, S. K.

Edition: 4thPublisher: New Delhi McGraw Hill Education 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 624.1517 DUG] (1).

1224. Prestressed conctrete analysis and design

by Rao, Y.R.M | Jebarani, J.P. Annie Sweetlin | Easwary, P.

Edition: 1stPublisher: New Delhi S. K. Kataria & Sons 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 624.183412 RAO] (1).

1225. Building design and drawing - I

by Pawar, A.D | Limaye, V.S.

Edition: 1stPublisher: Pune Technical Publications 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 690 PAW] (1).

1226. Environmental studies : From crisis to cure

by Rajagopalan, R.

Edition: 3rdPublisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 363.7 RAJ] (1).

1227. Fluid mechanics and its applications

by Gupta, Vijay | Gupta, Santosh.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi New Age International 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 620.106 GUP] (1).

1228. Industrial waste treatment technology

by Ashfaq, Ahmad.

Edition: 1stPublisher: New Delhi S. K. Kataria & Sons 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 628.4 ASH] (1).

1229. Environmental engineering with introduction to global warming

by Domkundwar, V.M.

Publisher: New Delhi Dhanpat Rai 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 363.7 DOM] (1).

1230. Applied hydraulics - I

by Shrotri, P.V.

Edition: 1stPublisher: Pune Technical Publications 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 620.106 SHR] (2).

1231. Flow in open channels

by Subramanya, K.

Edition: 1st RevisedPublisher: New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 620.1064 SUB] (1).

1232. Textbook of hydraulic machines : In SI units

by Rajput, R. K.

Edition: 5th Multicolour ed.Publisher: New Delhi S. Chand 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 620.106 RAJ] (1).

1233. Hydraulics and water resources : National conference on hydraulic and water resources

by Patel, P.L [Editor] | Samtani, B.K [Editor] | Ghare, A.D [Editor] | Patel, J.N [Editor].

Publisher: New Delhi Elite Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 620.106 PAT] (1).

1234. Groundwater hydrology

by Todd, David Keith.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi Wiley India 1980Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 551.49 TOD] (1).

1235. Irrigation engineering : Including hydrology

by Sharma, R.K | Sharma, T.K.

Edition: 3rdPublisher: New Delhi S. Chand 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 627.5 SHA] (1).

1236. Irrigation engineering and hydraulic structures

by Agarwal, V.C.

Publisher: New Delhi S. K. Kataria & Sons 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 627.5 AGA] (1).

1237. Strength of materials

by Bhavikatti, S. S.

Edition: 4thPublisher: Noida Vikas Publishing House 2013Online access: Read this book on Videeya: eBook Platform Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 624.18 BHA] (1), School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 624.18 BHA] (1).

1238. Estimating construction costs

by Peurifoy, Robert L | Oberlender, Garold D.

Edition: 6thPublisher: Chennai McGraw Hill Education 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 692.5 PEU] (1).

1239. Operations research

by Yadav, S.R | Malik, A.K.

Edition: 1stPublisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2014Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 003 YAD] (1).

1240. Introduction to fluid mechanics : SI version

by Fox, Robert W | Pritchard, Philip J | McDonald, Alan T.

Edition: 7thPublisher: New Delhi Wiley India 2010Availability: Items available for loan: Departmental Library - SOET [Call number: 620.106 FOX] (1).

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