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1. Nutraceuticals and functional foods in human health and disease prevention

by Bagchi, Debasis [Editor] | Preuss, Harry G | Swaroop, Anand.

Publisher: Boca Raton CRC Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 BAG/PRE] (1).

2. Aquifer characterization on the basis of hydrochemistry and groundwater physics and water profile of a part of pithoragarh district, Kumaon himalaya, India

by Bagchi, Debasis | Singh, Pushpraj.

Edition: Vol.48(3), Jul-SepSource: Journal of Indian Water Works AssociationPublisher: Mumbai Indian Water Works Association 2016Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) (1).

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