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E-Resources Usage Fosters Self-Learning among the Engineering Student Community

By: Prafull, Andhe.
Contributor(s): Chowdappa, N.
Publisher: Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2020Edition: vol, 33 (4), Apr.Description: 31-37p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied ScienceOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of engineering education transformationsSummary: This paper presents a brief analysis of the engineering college students' e-resource usage needs vis-a-vis habits. The research analysis led to many outcomes and one of them is about the e-resource usage being a dominant factor in the particular engineering student community's self-learning process. Self-learning is attributed to be the major contribution to the academic and professional growth of a person at any point of time. The use of e-resources in and out on day to day basis is forcing the student to become self reliant and helps him to learn how to self-learn many a thing. This self-learning aspect in a student is very encouraging as waiting for an expert to actually teach them everything is time-consuming and next to impossible in this era of many student - single teacher ratio. The information spewing every second from various corners of the globe makes it necessary for each and every student to master the art of self-learning to stay abreast with the happenings in his area of study or interest. This forceful need for information search using e-resources is gradually becoming a necessity and ultimately a habit.
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This paper presents a brief analysis of the engineering college students' e-resource usage needs vis-a-vis habits. The research analysis led to many outcomes and one of them is about the e-resource usage being a dominant factor in the particular engineering student community's self-learning process. Self-learning is attributed to be the major contribution to the academic and professional growth of a person at any point of time. The use of e-resources in and out on day to day basis is forcing the student to become self reliant and helps him to learn how to self-learn many a thing. This self-learning aspect in a student is very encouraging as waiting for an expert to actually teach them everything is time-consuming and next to impossible in this era of many student - single teacher ratio. The information spewing every second from various corners of the globe makes it necessary for each and every student to master the art of self-learning to stay abreast with the happenings in his area of study or interest. This forceful need for information search using e-resources is gradually becoming a necessity and ultimately a habit.

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