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1. Architects and architecture in the changing context of registration under Inidian architects act 1972

by Gupta, Kumar Jit.

Edition: Vol.32(10), JuneSource: Indian architect and builderPublisher: Mumbai Jasubhai Media 2019Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

2. Planning for sustainable cities

by Gupta, Kumar Jit | Prabhugaonker, Manguesh R.

Edition: Vol.86(8)Source: Journal of the Indian institute of architects :(JIIA)Publisher: Mumbai Indian Institute of Architects 2021Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

3. Empowering architectural education in India

by Gupta, Kumar Jit.

Edition: Vol.88(9), SepSource: Journal of the Indian institute of architects :(JIIA)Publisher: Mumbai Arihant Publications 2023Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Architecture (1).

4. Decoding SDG11 - Making cities and human settlements : Inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

by Gupta, Kumar Jit.

Publisher: Ghaziabad Copal Publishing Group 2024Availability: Items available for loan: Diploma in Architecture [Call number: 720.1 GUP] (1).

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