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Perkins and Will: Selected and current works

By: Perkins & Will.
Series: Master architect series V. Publisher: Victoria Image Publishing 2000Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 256 Pages.ISBN: 1-8647-064-5.Subject(s): SELECTED&CURRENTWORKS; FIRMPROFILE | ARCHITECT WORKS (AR-AW)DDC classification: 720.92 Summary: Larry Perkins describes the firm's philosophy: 'While we enjoy recognition, the applause we seek is the quiet trust and satisfaction of clients and public who know that their interests have been thoughtfully served'. From its early beginnings more than 65 years ago, Perkins & Will has evolved into an international firm characterised by its ability to transform commonplace building programs into uncommon designs and to work with clients in very successful ways. Perkins & Wills portfolio of buildings is vast in quantity as well as scope, and includes schools, higher education, laboratories,
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 Text Books Text Books School of Architecture
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Circulation 720.92 PER/WIL (Browse shelf) Available A1566
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Larry Perkins describes the firm's philosophy: 'While we enjoy recognition, the applause we seek is the quiet trust and satisfaction of clients and public who know that their interests have been thoughtfully served'. From its early beginnings more than 65 years ago, Perkins & Will has evolved into an international firm characterised by its ability to transform commonplace building programs into uncommon designs and to work with clients in very successful ways. Perkins & Wills portfolio of buildings is vast in quantity as well as scope, and includes schools, higher education, laboratories,

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