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Fabrication and emission analysis of aqua silencer

By: Ravi Teja, V. V. S.
Publisher: New Delhi Indian Society For Technical Education 2017Edition: Vol.40(1), Jan-Mar.Description: 84-102p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied Science In: Indian journal of technical educationSummary: Air pollution is most important form the public health point of view, because every individual person breathes apporximately 22000 times a day, inhaling about 15 to 22 Kg of air daily. Polluted air causes physical ill effect decides undesirable aesthetic and physiological effects. Air pollution can be defined as addition to our atmosphere of any material, which will have a deterious effect on life upon our planet. The main pollutants contribute by automobiles are carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbon (UBHC) oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and lead...
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Air pollution is most important form the public health point of view, because every individual person breathes apporximately 22000 times a day, inhaling about 15 to 22 Kg of air daily. Polluted air causes physical ill effect decides undesirable aesthetic and physiological effects. Air pollution can be defined as addition to our atmosphere of any material, which will have a deterious effect on life upon our planet. The main pollutants contribute by automobiles are carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbon (UBHC) oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and lead...

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