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1. Configural measurement equivalence testing of the comprehensive trait based model of self-regulated learning in engineering undergraduates

by Chakraborty, R | Chechi, V. K.

Edition: Vol.37(3), JanSource: Journal of engineering education transformations (JEET)Publisher: Sangli K.E. Society's Rajarambapu Institute of Technology 2024Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (1).

2. Validation of the academic analogue of psychological momentum theory on sophomore engineering undergraduates for the promotion of sdg4 quality education

by Chakraborty, R | Kaur, J.

Edition: Vol.38(1), JulSource: Journal of engineering education transformations (JEET)Publisher: Sangli K.E. Society's Rajarambapu Institute of Technology 2024Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (1).

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