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Self-perceived reasons to dropout from higher education - a case study in a portuguese faculty of engineering

By: Mouraz, Ana.
Contributor(s): Sousa, Armando.
Publisher: Sangli K.E. Society's Rajarambapu Institute of Technology 2024Edition: Vol.38(2), Oct.Description: 106-118p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied SciencesOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of engineering education transformations (JEET)Summary: Dropout from Higher Education (HE), that is, the number of students that totally leave a given HE institution is concerningly high, especially in times of crisis. Institutions struggle to minimize dropout, but limited data is available likely because gathering data from learners who dropped out is sensitive, likely involving private information. This paper presents a case study research on student dropout from a very large Portuguese engineering faculty. The main objectives of this research include to gain a better understanding about the reasons for dropout, from the former student’s point of view, and to build a profile for the dropout-at-risk student. The collected data was retrieved from institutional records and from 134 telephonic interviews with former students. The resulting data is analysed in both quantitative and qualitative ways. Results of all gathered dropout data are clustered into three profiles of students who dropout: those that “pull out”, those who were “pushed out” and those who “fall out”. Findings include that students do not decide to dropout by a simple single reason but rather a set of reasons. This research article includes 5 concrete improvement suggestions that are likely to reduce dropout. The two main suggestions are to better prepare the transition to HE and to make policies more flexible in times of crisis, example more flexible schedule.
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Articles Abstract Database Articles Abstract Database School of Engineering & Technology
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Dropout from Higher Education (HE), that is, the number of students that totally leave a given HE institution is concerningly high, especially in times of crisis. Institutions struggle to minimize dropout, but limited data is available likely because gathering data from learners who dropped out is sensitive, likely involving private information. This paper presents a case study research on student dropout from a very large Portuguese engineering faculty. The main objectives of this research include to gain a better understanding about the reasons for dropout, from the former student’s point of view, and to build a profile for the dropout-at-risk student. The collected data was retrieved from institutional records and from 134 telephonic interviews with former students. The resulting data is analysed in both quantitative and qualitative ways. Results of all gathered dropout data are clustered into three profiles of students who dropout: those that “pull out”, those who were “pushed out” and those who “fall out”. Findings include that students do not decide to dropout by a simple single reason but rather a set of reasons. This research article includes 5 concrete improvement suggestions that are likely to reduce dropout. The two main suggestions are to better prepare the transition to HE and to make policies more flexible in times of crisis, example more flexible schedule.

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