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Investigating effect of various ETL and HTL on the solar cell parameters of CsSn0.5 Ge0.5I3 based lead Free PSC to obtain optimized PCE

By: Bala, Nishi.
Contributor(s): Mallik, Sanjeev Kumar.
Publisher: New Delhi NISCAIR 2024Edition: Vol.62(9), Sep.Description: 789-805p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied SciencesOnline resources: Click here In: Indian journal of pure & applied physics (IJPAP)Summary: Wide scale production and commercial uses of PSCs are restricted by the toxicity problems associated with the lead metal, despite the substantial benefits and power conversion efficiency that PSCs have attained over the years. Thus lead-free metal halide perovskites are the focus of modern study. Here the solid-solution perovskite (CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3), an all-inorganic material devoid of lead as the light absorber layer for obtaining high efficiency PSCs is thoroughly investigated. The major objective of present work is to analyze superior combination of ETL and HTL for CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3 for getting affordable, high-efficiency and nontoxic CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3 PSCs. In this work, initially with the use of a one-dimensional solar cell capacitance simulator (SCAPS-1D) thirty-five, CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3 based PSCs were examined which are formed by the combination of seven HTLs and five suitable ETLs including ZnO, TiO2, WS2, PCBM and C60. Simulation results showed that among 35 different configurations the device architecture consisting of ITO/WS2/CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3/PEDOT: PSS/Au had a higher photo conversion efficiency and stability. This configuration provided PCE of 23.47%. For the different possible configurations, the impact of varying the absorber, ETL and HTL width on solar cell parameters was carefully examined. Additionally, the comparison of simulation result obtained by SCAPS-1D software is validated by another simulation software wxAMPS. Further, the effect of series resistance, temperature and shunt resistance has been studied ...
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Wide scale production and commercial uses of PSCs are restricted by the toxicity problems associated with the lead metal, despite the substantial benefits and power conversion efficiency that PSCs have attained over the years. Thus lead-free metal halide perovskites are the focus of modern study. Here the solid-solution perovskite (CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3), an all-inorganic material devoid of lead as the light absorber layer for obtaining high efficiency PSCs is thoroughly investigated. The major objective of present work is to analyze superior combination of ETL and HTL for CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3 for getting affordable, high-efficiency and nontoxic CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3 PSCs. In this work, initially with the use of a one-dimensional solar cell capacitance simulator (SCAPS-1D) thirty-five, CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3 based PSCs were examined which are formed by the combination of seven HTLs and five suitable ETLs including ZnO, TiO2, WS2, PCBM and C60. Simulation results showed that among 35 different configurations the device architecture consisting of ITO/WS2/CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3/PEDOT: PSS/Au had a higher photo conversion efficiency and stability. This configuration provided PCE of 23.47%. For the different possible configurations, the impact of varying the absorber, ETL and HTL width on solar cell parameters was carefully examined. Additionally, the comparison of simulation result obtained by SCAPS-1D software is validated by another simulation software wxAMPS. Further, the effect of series resistance, temperature and shunt resistance has been studied ...

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