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Interior design business handbook: A complete guide to profitability

By: Knackstedt, Mary V.
Publisher: New Jercy John Wiley & Sons 2013Edition: 5th Ed.Description: viii, 549 Pages | Binding- Hard Bound |.ISBN: 978-1-118-13987-5.Subject(s): FINDING YOUR PLACE IN INTERIOR DESIGN; STARTING OR CHANGING YOUR BUSINESS TYPE OR STRUCTURE; PLANNING FOR PROFIT AND GROWTH; THE DESIGN TEAM; BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT; CHARGING FOR YOUR SERVICES; SUCCEEDING IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT; WORKING WITH SOURCES AND CONT | INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE (AR-IA)DDC classification: 729 Summary: Newly updated and revised, this essential guide to the interior design business helps designers in firms small and large streamline their work, learn business basics, and achieve profitability. It offers a complete roadmap to all aspects of starting and running a business, from hiring staff and contract negotiation to marketing and client relations. The new edition describes how the changing economy affects design practices, covers new health and environmental issues, and explores a range of current topics, including social networking, internet marketing, building a brand, and implementing computer technology.
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