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Paradox of contemporary architecture

By: Cooh, Peter.
Contributor(s): Spiller, NeilAllen, Laura.
Publisher: West Sussex John Wiley & Sons 2001Description: 127 Pages | Binding - Paperback |.ISBN: 0-471-49685-5.Subject(s): MARLE ANGE BRAYER; MELVIN CHARNEY; CHORA; DECOL; THE OFFICE OF ZAHA HADID; CHRISTINE HAWLEY; SUMET JUMSAI; HLAUS HADA; ZAMP HELP; LOT/EH ARCHITECTURE; FREDERIC MIGAYROU; MARCOS NOVAH; OOSTERHUISASSOCIATES; CLAUDE PARENT; STEPHEN PERRELLA; ROY; SNOHETTA; S | ARCHITECUTRE HISTORY (ARC-HIS)DDC classification: 724.7 Summary: This second volume in the "... of Contemporary Architecture" series summarises lectures by a stunning selection of architects, including a variety of famous names as well as new faces, in which they present their architecture and the theories underlying it. This unique reference reflects the series of lectures presented annually at the Bartlett School of Architecture by influential leading–edge architects. ∗ Includes contributions by Bernard Tschumi, Enric Miralles, Frank Gehry, LOT/EK, Claude Parent, Ken Yeang, Craig Dykers, Zaha Hadid, and others ∗ Illustrated with photographs and diagrams, many in colour
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