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Understanding digital image processing using matlab

By: Manza, Ramesh.
Contributor(s): Patwari, Manjiri B | Rajput, Yogesh M | Rathod, Deepali.
Publisher: Navi Mumbai Shroff Publishers 2016Edition: 1st.Description: xii, 280 p. | Binding - Paperback | 23*18 cm.ISBN: 9789352132867.Subject(s): EXTC EngineeringDDC classification: 621.3670005 Summary: Understanding of digital image processing using MATLAB is a book for a course of Image Processing using Matlab along with techniques for developing GUI and to covers few advanced topics. The emphasis is given on how to process the image start from basics to advanced level and design GUI in Matlab software for user applications. This book will help to learn about how to do image processing and to develop user friendly and more interactive GUI in Matlab with the help of basic tool along with programming, graphical user interface and image processing techniques. Every chapter begins with introductory remarks about its contents. The measure contents of all chapters consist of theory, syntax and example along with developed GUI. Every chapter is ended with detail summary and exercise for the reader. User can get benefited from the given set of exercises to do mastery in digital image processing. This book is developed using latest MATLAB Software. The examples are upper compatible to MATLAB versions. It is useful for the beginner to learn basics of Image Processing using MATLAB and start with the simple GUI based DIP steps and reach to the advanced level so that readers can do design by their own and can develop application interface. This book is useful for the degree and post graduate courses to learn and to get mastery in Image Processing and Matlab for designing their interactive user environments. Contents of this book can use directly for one semester. This book is very much useful for computer science and engineering, mathematics, and scientific communities those who are going to develop menu driven tool for their DIP based projects.
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