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1. Study on Time and Cost Overruns in Mega Infrastructure Projects in India

by Narayanan, Sowmya | Kure, Amol Madhav | Palaniappan, Sivakumar.

Edition: Vol. 100(1), MarchSource: Journal of the institution of engineers (India) Series APublisher: New York Springer 2019Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (1).

2. Built environment sustainability: review of key concepts

by Nellicka, Anna George | Palaniappan, Sivakumar.

Edition: Vol.30(1), Jan-MarSource: Human anatomy and physiology - IPublisher: Pune NICMAR 2015Online access: Click here Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) (1).

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