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1. Biochemistry and molecular biology of antimicrobial drug action

by Franklin, T. J | Snow, G. A.

Edition: 2nd Publisher: New Delhi Springer 2005Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.4 FRA/SNO] (2). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.4 FRA/SNO] (1).
2. Principles and techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology

by Wilson, Keith | Walker, John.

Edition: 6th Publisher: NA Cambridge University Press 2005Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.4 SAC/DHO] (1). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.4 SAC/DHO] (1).
3. Textbook of remedial biology

by Randhawa, S.S | Mahajan, Kapila.

Publisher: Jalandhar Pee Vee (PV) Books 2016Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 RAN/MAH] (1).
4. Remedial biology

by Randhawa, S.S | Kabra, Atul.

Publisher: Jalandhar PV Books 2017Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 RAN] (2). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 RAN/KAB] (1).
5. Textbook of remedial biology

by Gokhale, S. B | Kalaskar, M.G | Kulkarni, Y.A.

Edition: 1st Publisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2017Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 GOK/KAL] (1).
6. Remedial biology

by Gokhale, S. B | Kalaskar, M.G.

Edition: 1st Publisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2017Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 GOK/KUL] (1).
7. Practical book of remedial biology

by Sachdeva, Monika | Dholpuria, Rajesh.

Edition: 1st Publisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2018Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 SAC/DHO] (1). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 SAC/DHO] (1).
8. Textbook of remedial biology

by Das, Kuntal.

Edition: 1st Publisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2017Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 DAS] (1). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 DAS] (1).
9. Textbook of remedial biology

by Sachdeva, Monika | Dholpuria, Rajesh.

Edition: 1st Publisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2017Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 SAC/DHO] (1). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 571.3 SAC/DHO] (1).
10. Development of biologics

by Kober, Lars.

Edition: Vol.17(2), Mar-AprSource: Indian pharmacistPublisher: New Delhi Kalhan Bazaz 2019Availability: Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy (1).
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