Practical book for herbal technology : Sem VI
by Lodhi, Santram | Kori, M. L.
Publisher: Jalandhar PV Books 2020Availability: No items available Checked out (1).
Textbook of herbal drug technology : Sem VI
by Arora, Pragi | Arora, Varun.
Publisher: Jalandhar PV Books 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 ARO] (1).
Pharmacognosy and pharmacobiotechnology
by Kar, Ashutosh.
Edition: 3rdPublisher: New Delhi New Age International 2018Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 KAR] (6).
Textbook of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry - II : Sem V
by Das, Kuntal.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 DAS] (1).
Practical book of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry - II : Sem V
by Gokhale, S. B | Kalaskar, M.G | Kulkarni, Yogesh | Yele, S.U.
Publisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 GOK] (1).
Textbook of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry - II : Sem V
by Shukla, Prabodh | Alok, Shashi | Shukla, Padmini.
Publisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 SHU] (1).
Textbook of herbal drug technology : As per PCI, T.Y.B.Pharm. Sem VI
by Lodhi, Santram | Usman, Rageeb Md | Deshmukh, Tushar.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 LOD] (1).
Textbook of herbal drug technology : Sem VI
by Shinde, V.M | Bodas-Yadav, K.S.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 SHI] (1).
Textbook of herbal technology : Sem VI
by Tiwari, Varsha.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 TIW] (1).
Textbook of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry - II : Sem V PCI
by Gokhale, S. B | Sanghai, D.B | Kalaskar, M.G.
Edition: 1stPublisher: Pune Nirali Prakashan 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 GOK] (1).
Text Book of Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry-I
by Setia, Sanjay | Parveen Kumar Ashok | Kabra, Atul.
Edition: 1st. Ed.Publisher: India S. Vikas & Co. (Publishing House) 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 SET] (2).
Practical pharmacognosy and phytochemistry-I
by Bhurat, Mayur R | Usman, Rageeb Md.
Edition: 1st. Ed.Publisher: India S. Vikas & Co. (Publishing House) 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 BHU] (2).
Practical manual pharmacognosy and phytochemistry-I
by Rana, Monika | Kabra, Atul.
Edition: 1st. Ed.Publisher: Pune S. Vikas & Co. (Publishing House) 2019Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 RAN] (2).
Herbal principles in cosmetics : Properties and mechanisms of action
by Burlando, Bruno | Verotta, Luisella | Cornara, Laura | Bottini-Massa, Elisa.
Publisher: Boca Raton CRC Press 2010Availability: Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 BUR/VER] (1).
Textbook of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry
by Shah, Biren N | Seth, A. K.
Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi CBS Publishers & Distributers 2017Online access: NDL Material Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 SHA] (12). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 SHA/SET] (1). Checked out (1).
Experimental pharmacognosy
by Shah, Biren N | Nayak, B.S.
Publisher: Jalandhar PV Books 2015Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.32 SHA/NAY] (1).
GMP for botanicals: Regulatory and quality issues on phytomedicines
by Verpoorte, Robert.
Edition: 1st Publisher: New Delhi Business Horizons 2003Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 MUK/VER] (4). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 MUK/VER] (1).
by Edwards, Sarah | Rocha, Ines de Costa | Williamson, Elizabeth M.
Edition: 1st Publisher: Sussex 2015Other title: Evidence-based guide to herbal medicinal products.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 EDW/ROC] (1).
Practical pharmacognosy
by Kokate, C. K.
Edition: 5th Publisher: Delhi Vallabh Prakashan 2014Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 KOK] (4). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 KOK] (1).
Pharmacognosy of powdered crude drugs
by Iyengar, M. A.
Edition: 2nd Publisher: Manipal Dr. M. A. Iyengar 1980Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 IYE] (9). Items available for reference: School of Pharmacy [Call number: 615.321 IYE] (1).