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Understanding steel design: an architectural design manual

By: Boake, Terry Meyer.
Publisher: Basel Birkhauser 2012Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 244 Pages Platform - eVersion |.ISBN: 978-3-0346-0269-3.Subject(s): ARCHITECTURAL MATERIALS (AR-MAT) | TRANSFORMATIVENATURE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION | CONNECTIONSANDFRAMINGTECHNIQUES | MATERIALITYOFSTEELDDC classification: 721.04471 Summary: "Understanding Steel Design" is based on an overall approach to understand how to design and build with steel from the perspective of its architectural applications. Steel is a material whose qualities have enormous potential for the creation of dynamic architecture. In an innovative approach to the reality of working with steel, the book takes a new look both at the state of tried-and-tested techniques and at emerging projects. Hundreds of steel structures have been observed, analyzed and appraised for this book. In-depth construction photographs by the author are complemented by technical illustrations created to look more closely at systems and details. Drawings supplied by fabricators allow greater insight into a method of working with currrent digital drawing tools.
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