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Language of space and form: generative terms for architecture

By: Eckler, James.
Publisher: New Delhi John Wiley & Sons 2012Edition: 1st Ed.Description: 310 Pages.ISBN: 978-0-470-61844-8.Subject(s): TERMSOFPROCESSANDGENERATION; TERMSOFORGANIZATIONANDORDERING; TERMSOFOPERATIONANDEXPERIENCE | ARCHITECTURE THEORY (AR-AT)DDC classification: 720.14 Summary: Finally: one resource that permits designers to use architectural terminology as a tool to generate ideas and inform their designs. Using double-page spreads that fully explore each of the common terms used in space and form, the designer is engaged to apply the terms and create spaces and techniques for communicating their ideas. Designed to permit readers grow as they master the design process, Language of Space and Form is meant to be a reference used throughout their education, from the beginning design studio to the studio practice.
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