Patil, Mahendra

Effect of Practicing Experiential Learning (Like Online Learning-ICT) in Engineering Education - Vol.31(3), Jan - Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2018 - 95-101p.

The aim of this paper is to explain experiential learning in engineering education by practicing of Spoken Tutorial. Experiential learning is learning from experience or learning by doing which first immerses learners in an experience and then encourages reflection about the experience to develop new skills, new attitudes, or new ways of thinking. It has been observed that the experiential learning through Spoken Tutorial assure the accuracy achievements of increasing employability through active learning. This paper investigates the experiential learning cycle by comparing Teaching Learning via Spoken Tutorial with placement activity of students. Lastly, the authors give the experimental results which give the concept of experiential learning by identifying the environmental and structural effectiveness of the experiential learning process.

Humanities and Applied Science
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