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Approach to Develop and Integrate Existing Curriculum to Theme Based Curriculum Structure for Strengthening Postgraduate Studies in Engineering Education

By: Kulkarni, Vinayak N.
Contributor(s): Gaitonde, V. N.
Publisher: Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2020Edition: Vol.33(3), Jan.Description: 26-36p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied ScienceOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of engineering education transformationsSummary: In today's higher education system, the concept of specialization plays a vital role in the career development of engineering students across the world. Meanwhile, the requirement for automation engineers in manufacturing sector is increasing continuously due to upgradation of the technology in today's industrial scenario. The methodology of theme based curriculum design and its integration to the existing curriculum along with the assessment pattern have been explained throughout the paper. The results and attainment of performance indicators have been analyzed. It is found that the percentage attainment have improved from initial conventional laboratory experiments to final open-ended experiment of laboratory course leading to active learning among students.
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