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Project Based Learning - An Innovative Approach to Enhance Higher Order Skills

By: Kamerikar, Umesh.
Contributor(s): Patil, Mahadev S.
Publisher: Pune Engineering Education Foundation 2020Edition: Vol.33(3), Jan.Description: 92-97p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied ScienceOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of engineering education transformationsSummary: Project based learning (PBL) is an approach of active learning in which students search real-world challenges and problems and work on it in small collaborative groups to get solution. Group of students work together to achieve common goal. During this process certain skills are developed viz. research and inquiry skills, organization and time management skills, communication and presentation skills, group participation and leadership skills, selfassessment and reflection skills and critical thinking. In implementation heterogeneous groups are formed. Through discussion and brain storming, problem statements are finalised. From circuit simulation, results are observed and checked those results using breadboard implementation. Printed circuit boards are created and all components are soldered. Circuits are tested to check results. Report is documented and uploaded on MOODLE. This is considered as one of the In-Semester Evaluation (ISE) components. The assessment is carried out using rubrics. In addition, students' feedbacks are taken. It has been observed that there is improvement in ISE performance. Students enjoyed learning by doing. Learners have learned applying theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. Students learnt to use simulation tools, circuit mounting and testing, troubleshooting the circuits.
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Project based learning (PBL) is an approach of active learning in which students search real-world challenges and problems and work on it in small collaborative groups to get solution. Group of students work together to achieve common goal. During this process certain skills are developed viz. research and inquiry skills, organization and time management skills, communication and presentation skills, group participation and leadership skills, selfassessment and reflection skills and critical thinking. In implementation heterogeneous groups are formed. Through discussion and brain storming, problem statements are finalised. From circuit simulation, results are observed and checked those results using breadboard implementation. Printed circuit boards are created and all components are soldered. Circuits are tested to check results. Report is documented and uploaded on MOODLE. This is considered as one of the In-Semester Evaluation (ISE) components. The assessment is carried out using rubrics. In addition, students' feedbacks are taken. It has been observed that there is improvement in ISE performance. Students enjoyed learning by doing. Learners have learned applying theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. Students learnt to use simulation tools, circuit mounting and testing, troubleshooting the circuits.

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