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Metrics with performance indicators used for calculating the mapping strength of course outcome with program outcome.

By: Yadav, Pradeep.
Contributor(s): Tomar, Archana.
Publisher: Sangli K.E. Society's Rajarambapu Institute of Technology 2024Edition: Vol.38(2), Oct.Description: 85-95p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied SciencesOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of engineering education transformations (JEET)Summary: Outcome-Based Education (OBE) worldwide plays a pivotal role in enhancing academic standards by equipping students with problemsolving skills. To effectively assess the quality of education, it is essential to intricately map courses with specific program objectives (POs). The AICTE introduced a comprehensive exam reform policy in 2018, aiming to enhance assessment methodologies. This innovative approach involves categorizing each Program Outcome (PO) into distinct competencies and subsequently breaking down each competency into a specific number of performance indicators. This innovation enables a more nuanced evaluation of educational outcomes. In this context, a developed metric proves instrumental in aligning the data structure course with relevant performance indicators (PIs). This systematic mapping ensures that educational programs align with desired outcomes, fostering a dynamic and responsive learning environment conducive to addressing complex challenges.
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Outcome-Based Education (OBE) worldwide plays a pivotal role in enhancing academic standards by equipping students with problemsolving skills. To effectively assess the quality of education, it is essential to intricately map courses with specific program objectives (POs). The AICTE introduced a comprehensive exam reform policy in 2018, aiming to enhance assessment methodologies. This innovative approach involves categorizing each Program Outcome (PO) into distinct competencies and subsequently breaking down each competency into a specific number of performance indicators. This innovation enables a more nuanced evaluation of educational outcomes. In this context, a developed metric proves instrumental in aligning the data structure course with relevant performance indicators (PIs). This systematic mapping ensures that educational programs align with desired outcomes, fostering a dynamic and responsive learning environment conducive to addressing complex challenges.

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