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Development and validation of RP-HPLC and UV spectroscopy method for the determination of diroximel fumarate in bulk drug and pharmaceutical dosage form

By: Patil, Jayesh D.
Contributor(s): Dhankani, Amitkumar R.
Publisher: Raipur Asian Pharma Press 2024Edition: Vol.14(3), Jul-Sep.Description: 147-150p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied SciencesOnline resources: Click here In: Asian journal of pharmaceutical analysisSummary: Two new, simple, specific, precise and accurate UV-spectrophotometric and one reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography methods have been developed for the estimation of Diroximel Fumarate in Pharmaceutical dosage form. First UV-spectrophotometric methods show absorption maxima at 253nm for the Diroximel Fumarate. Percentage mean recovery obtained was 100.00%; coefficient of variance was found to be less than 2% and linearity coefficient was 0.9998. Linear response obtained for Diroximel Fumarate was in the concentration range of 0.5-2.5?g/ml. The limit of detection and limit of quantification for Diroximel was found to be 0.049?g/ml and 0.149?g/ml, respectively, and Second RP-HPLC method, chromatography analysis is carried out using Methanol: 10mm of KH2PO4 buffer solution (pH 3.1) (70:30%, v/v) as the mobile phase and C18 Waters (4.6mm x 150mm), 5.0µ column as stationery phase with detection wavelength of 272nm linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 5-25µg/ml for Diroximel Fumarate. Both UV-spectrophotometric and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography methods were statistically validated according to I.C.H. Guidelines.
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Two new, simple, specific, precise and accurate UV-spectrophotometric and one reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography methods have been developed for the estimation of Diroximel Fumarate in Pharmaceutical dosage form. First UV-spectrophotometric methods show absorption maxima at 253nm for the Diroximel Fumarate. Percentage mean recovery obtained was 100.00%; coefficient of variance was found to be less than 2% and linearity coefficient was 0.9998. Linear response obtained for Diroximel Fumarate was in the concentration range of 0.5-2.5?g/ml. The limit of detection and limit of quantification for Diroximel was found to be 0.049?g/ml and 0.149?g/ml, respectively, and Second RP-HPLC method, chromatography analysis is carried out using Methanol: 10mm of KH2PO4 buffer solution (pH 3.1) (70:30%, v/v) as the mobile phase and C18 Waters (4.6mm x 150mm), 5.0µ column as stationery phase with detection wavelength of 272nm linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 5-25µg/ml for Diroximel Fumarate. Both UV-spectrophotometric and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography methods were statistically validated according to I.C.H. Guidelines.

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