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Effectiveness of hybrid learning tools: analysis of engineering colleges in India

By: Chopra, Komal.
Contributor(s): Chitranshi, Jaya.
Publisher: Sangli K.E. Society's Rajarambapu Institute of Technology 2024Edition: Vol.37(4), Apr.Description: 22-28p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied SciencesOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of engineering education transformations (JEET)Summary: The study examines the tools of learning and their effectiveness used for teaching in hybrid mode in engineering colleges of India. The study was conducted in ten engineering colleges across different cities of India spread across east, west, north and south regions. The respondents for the study were students of third and final year belonging to five different streams of Engineering such as mechanical, electrical, information technology, production and electronics & telecommunication. The collection of responses was done through survey method using a structured questionnaire. The data underwent statistical analysis using SPSS software. The inferences show that gamification is the most effective tool of learning in online mode while classroom instruction is most effective in offline mode. A good combination of the two can make learning effective in hybrid mode. The study has implications for National Education Policy 2020 which is focused on technology based learning.
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The study examines the tools of learning and their effectiveness used for teaching in hybrid mode in engineering colleges of India. The study was conducted in ten engineering colleges across different cities of India spread across east, west, north and south regions. The respondents for the study were students of third and final year belonging to five different streams of Engineering such as mechanical, electrical, information technology, production and electronics & telecommunication. The collection of responses was done through survey method using a structured questionnaire. The data underwent statistical analysis using SPSS software. The inferences show that gamification is the most effective tool of learning in online mode while classroom instruction is most effective in offline mode. A good combination of the two can make learning effective in hybrid mode. The study has implications for National Education Policy 2020 which is focused on technology based learning.

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