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81. Valuation of residential properties by hedonic pricing method

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Kanojia, Anita Harilal [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel AIKTC School of Engineering 2016Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/KAN] (1).

82. Time cost tradeoff for fast-track project: A systematic statistical approach to compare with traditional concepts

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Mubarak, Kazi Arbaz [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel 2016Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/MUB] (1).

83. Application of building information modeling (BIM) to civil engineering projects

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Pakhmore, Mudassar Zahid [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel 2016Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/PAK] (1).

84. Cost and schedule analysis of a structure using earn value management

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Shukla, Manoj K [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel 2016Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/SHU] (1).

85. Optimization of metakaolin in concrete

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Yadav, Ashok Kumar (14CEM18) [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel 2016Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/YAD] (1).

86. Decision making for selection of optimum machinery in mega construction projects using artificial intelligence techniques

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Khan, Sakib Mohd. Dastagir (14CEM06) [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel 2016Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/KHA] (1).

87. Management of municipal solid waste ash in soil stabilization

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Shaikh, Md. Wasim (14CEM14) [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel 2016Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/SHA] (1).

88. Experimental investigation and prediction of fly ash efficiency factor in concrete with cost economic analysis

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Khan, Afroz Naeem (15CEM07) [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New PAnvel 2017Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/KHA] (1).

89. Design of new green building using IGBC rating system

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Srivastava, Ashish Suresh (15CEM17) [Research Scholar ].

Publisher: New Panvel 2017Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/SRI] (1).

90. Practical approach to construction industry using best value and six sigma techniques

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Rath, Sharvari Mangesh (15CEM11) [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel 2017Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/RAT] (1).

91. Fuzzy approach to risk assessment in construction industry

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Azam, Tasneem (15CEM18) [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel 2017Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/AZA] (1).

92. Modern approach to minimize risk in construction industry

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Kadam, Trupti Rahul (15CEM06) [Research Scholar ].

Publisher: New Panvel 2017Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/KAD] (1).

93. Alternate and low cost construction materials and techniques

by Magar Rajendra B [Guide] | Shaikh, Mohammed Aqeeb Jamil Ahmed [Research Scholar].

Publisher: New Panvel 2017Online access: Click to access e-version Availability: Items available for reference: School of Engineering & Technology (PG) [Call number: 624.072 MAG/SHA] (1).

94. Enhancement of physical properties of concrete by using fibre and fibbremesh

by Hawelikar, Shoukin Chandrakant [Guide] | Suhail Ahmed Khalique Ahmad [11CE57] | Qureshi Vasim Mohammed Yusuf [11CE40] | Qureshi Mohammed Naved Javed [11CE36] | Mapari Saif Iqbal [11CE32].

Publisher: New Panvel AIKTC, School of Engg. & Tech. 2015Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 624.07 CHA] (1).

95. Design of horizontal pressure vessel

by Momin, Mohammad Nafe [Guide] | Ansari, Faiz [11ME10] | Chaudhary, Adnan [11ME17] | Bichu, Azeeb I [11ME16] | Bape, Adib Yakub [11ME14].

Publisher: New Panvel 2015Online access: Access eCopy @ AIKTC Repository Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.07 NAF] (1).

96. Design and fabricaion of semi-automatic system for welding hydraulic cylinder

by Kazi, Javed [Guide] | Syed, Zaid Karim [11ME59] | Dakhwe, Akib Nisar [12ME75] | Syed, Talha Jafri [11ME58] | Mukri, Yasir Ashraf [12ME74].

Publisher: New Panvel 2015Online access: Access eCopy @ AIKTC Repository Availability: No items available Checked out (1).

97. Modelling and simulation of stepper feeder mechanism for punch press

by Shaikh, Rizwan [Guide] | Goankar, Rajesh [11ME22] | Shaikh, Ayub [11ME13] | Shaikh, Md. Maaz [11ME56].

Publisher: New Panvel AIKTC, School of Engineering & Technology 2015Online access: Access eCopy @ AIKTC Repository Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.07 SHA] (1).

98. Design, analysis and fabrication of a go-kart chassis

by Thavai, Rahul [Guide] | Kazi, Shahezad Faisal [11ME28] | Khan, Imran Jamil [11ME53] | Mukri, Hassein Arman [11ME39] | Mirza, Shahrukh Ajaz [11ME37].

Publisher: New Panvel 2015Online access: Access eCopy @ AIKTC Repository Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.07 THA] (1).

99. Design of an automated assembly stand for assembly-disassembly of aircraft wheel

by Rizvi, Zoya [Guide] | Ansari, Armaan [11ME08] | Khan, Sufiyan [11ME33] | Dabir, Altamesh [12ME82].

Publisher: New Panvel AIKTC, School of Engg. & Tech. 2015Online access: Access eCopy @ AIKTC Repository Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.07 RIZ] (1).

100. Material optimization of gear and pinion for planetary gearbox

by Ghazi, Altamash [Guide] | Gupta, Deepak [11ME24] | Pawale, Mustafa [11ME43] | Shaikh, Abrar [11ME50] | Phadatare, Kiran [11ME44].

Publisher: New Panvel 2015Online access: Access eCopy @ AIKTC Repository Availability: Items available for loan: School of Engineering & Technology [Call number: 621.07 GHA] (1).

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