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Activities of listening skill in conjunction with speaking help enhancing language competence of engineering graduates

By: Mahapatra, Bishnu Paramguru.
Publisher: Sangli K.E. Society's Rajarambapu Institute of Technology 2024Edition: Vol.37(4), Apr.Description: 7-13p.Subject(s): Humanities and Applied SciencesOnline resources: Click here In: Journal of engineering education transformations (JEET)Summary: Proficiency in speaking cannot be acquired without effective listening. Listening and speaking skills are deciding factors for academic growth of engineering students. Engineering students are mostly worried about their placement in top notch companies, thereby they keep on emphasizing more on speaking under the presumption that speaking can be acquired without active listening. They treat listening skill as the secondary skill for acquisition of speaking, which requires special attention by the teacher. Productive skill speaking and receptive one listening are invariably playing a pivotal role for human communication. Second language users of English generally get confused with the incompatibility of writing, speech production and aural skill in English. Receptive skill Listening and Productive skill speaking are incompatible to one another. The prime objective of this paper is to find out whether integrated listening and speaking activities help in developing language competence of engineering graduates or the task and activities of listening and speaking should be done in isolation to achieve the competence of the students in English language. The present paper collected data of different tests namely pre-test andpost-test based on different tasks and activities intended for the engineering graduates of an engineering college and the same was analyzed and the result found at the end of the exposition of data revealed that engineering graduates those who practiced activities of listening and speaking in conjunction with one another proved to be successful in acquiring English language competence than the others who practiced the activities of listening and speaking in separation.
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Proficiency in speaking cannot be acquired without effective listening. Listening and speaking skills are deciding factors for academic growth of engineering students. Engineering students are mostly worried about their placement in top notch companies, thereby they keep on emphasizing more on speaking under the presumption that speaking can be acquired without active listening. They treat listening skill as the secondary skill for acquisition of speaking, which requires special attention by the teacher. Productive skill speaking and receptive one listening are invariably playing a pivotal role for human communication. Second language users of English generally get confused with the incompatibility of writing, speech production and aural skill in English. Receptive skill Listening and Productive skill speaking are incompatible to one another. The prime objective of this paper is to find out whether integrated listening and speaking activities help in developing language competence of engineering graduates or the task and activities of listening and speaking should be done in isolation to achieve the competence of the students in English language. The present paper collected data of different tests namely pre-test andpost-test based on different tasks and activities intended for the engineering graduates of an engineering college and the same was analyzed and the result found at the end of the exposition of data revealed that engineering graduates those who practiced activities of listening and speaking in conjunction with one another proved to be successful in acquiring English language competence than the others who practiced the activities of listening and speaking in separation.

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